Sunday, January 22, 2017

Ace Reads To Cay

The two cousins are in best buddies mode again...

The other day, Cay took out his Mr Men series of story books... Firstly to show off... secondly to ask us to read to him..

And so the all huddled up against me to READ the book together... I was pretty much just the "SOFA"... And Ace was the story reader...

The little one happy like bird lor:)

On on unrelated note... Cay likes to draw and show off.. and I realized tat he likes to draw food:) hahahaha.. his mum says cos when it comes to food, he is number one. Ace used to love food too.. dunno why grow up liao become very picky about the things he eats...

Previous Post: Edusave Good Progress Award 2017

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